Helping the Foundation
Help us raise money by making a donation
The Foundation hopes to raise 1 million Euros in its first year. This will provide a strong fiscal basis from which it can realize many ambitious first year goals, e.g., the establishment of the International School of Transfusion Medicine, support educational courses, set up the consultant database, and fund fellowships. In order to achieve the continuation of the programmes established in its first year, the Foundation is looking for a multi-year commitment (subject to annual review). The objective is for a five years pledge. The donation may be tax deductible depending upon the tax laws of the donor's country.Donations will be put to good use with minimal spending on fund raising and administrative costs. Most of the money would be spent on direct program expenses since much of our work will be done by volunteers. All accounts are subject to an independent audit and can be viewed at any time.
None of the Foundation officers will receive any remuneration as all are volunteers interested in seeing safe blood reaching those in greatest need.
Your donation would be instrumental in creating important infrastructures in developing countries which could become future markets.
Please help us fulfill our important objectives by making a donation. Any one of our officers will be pleased to speak with you about your concerns or questions.