Projects granted 2009 - 2010

For the period 2009 – 2010 the Foundation has granted the following projects:
  1. Microchimerism in the transfused obstetric population
    Initiative of Dr. Evan Bloch M.D. (USA)
    granted with € 25,000.-
  2. Transfusion Medicine education in Europe and neighbouring regions
    Initiative of Professor Umberto Rossi (Italy)
    granted with € 25,000.-
  3. Postgraduate Diploma in Transfusion Medicine - second admission to the programme
    Initiative of Dr. Teresa Nel (South Africa)
    granted with € 47,038.-
  4. Global molecular epidemiology of HBV in blood donors
    Initiative of Professor J-P Allain (United Kingdom)
    granted with € 50,000.-
  5. Research Training in International Transfusion Safety
    Initiative of Dr. Edward L. Murphy (USA)
    granted with € 49,980.-
Project granted 2007 - 2008
Project granted 2008 - 2009